In the world of valuable stones, there are too much kinds of known and unknown stones which are made in a natural way and countries elicit these natural ones from mines and polish and cut it to the pieces for sell. The pure onyx stone is one of the best types of valuable stones in this field and people use them a lot. In this article, there are too much information about onyx stone and you can find your intended ones. 

onyx stone | Most sold luxury stones with cheap price

How to know the quality of stones?

How to know the quality of stones?

Onyx stone is a kind of marble stones but they are known by this name and are famous in the whole world. People prefer to prepare the marble or onyx stones which are in artificial states. The onyx stone benefits depend on the level of naturally or artificial states because human are today producing these kinds of stones with an inspiration of original types of stones. This stone is primarily refers to parallel banded of mineral silicate chalcedony. 

Estimating or knowing how much is a onyx stone quality has to done by several items and factors for a better recognition or some of experienced people and workers who are active in related centers can recognize the real quality of these materials. 

To do this process best, there are several types of important items and reasons which can be helpful for customers or suppliers who want to prepare these kinds of stones at bulk volumes. By observing a few types of basic characteristics you can quickly know the qualities. But if you want more information about , it is possible to use special tools to examine the stones as well. 

  • Use of identification chart
  • Look for basic chart online
  • Touch the stone surface
  • Check its malleability out

These items are mentioned by different related and special workers. If none of these methods are effective, try another specific ways which have to done by tools. 

What are the uses of onyx stones?

What are the uses of onyx stones?

Onyx stones are very useful ones in different sorts of applications. Onyx stones are made in different fantastic colors and used for applications such as jewelry production. Jewelry such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and … the onyx rings are the famous types in this category. 

Moreover, the usages of onyx stones are as much as other tools of designing. Of course, according to the usages of onyx stones which are widely got efficiency are in different colors:

  • Green onyx stone
  • Black onyx
  • Red
  • White
  • Cream
  • Blue

and … the variety of jewelry make the suppliers to produce different colors of this stone for any kind interest. There are many articles and tested experiments which are said that onyx stones sometimes can be very beneficial even for the body and some of mental properties. By this evidences, the black onyx stones are not good for mental functions, in other words, black onyx stone side effects are more than its benefits, for example, it releases some of negative emotions such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Fear

But it also can protect from harmful effects of the around, people, and environment. The onyx stone price depends on the quality and weight, also the level of using in a jewelry and other accessories. 

What kind of stone is Onyx?

What kind of stone is Onyx?

Onyx stone is any kind of stone which has white and black veins in itself and make the shadow and faded colors of its main hue. Onyx stone can completely make in natural or artificial ways. This kind of stone has different and several species and all of these types had been known from hundreds of years ago. 

Here are some of onyx species briefly:

  1. Ghrvani: This type of stone contains several hash colors and hues with long length and width. It mostly used for containers.
  2. Baqrani: It is the rarest types of onyx stones with straight lines. The plates of baqrani stones are made by three main colors red, coral and clear crystal. All of the colors are natural in this stone.
  3. Mosaic: This type has too many veins, the most types of common stones is from this type. The veins can be different in colors.
  4. Farsi: Because of Persian people’s interests this stone is called by this name. It costs lower than Baqrani.
  5. Bassley: This kind of stone has black and red veins on top and bottom parts with white lines between these two layers. 

As you see, the onyx species are too much and each country and nation use them according to the histories and the properties they have. 

Major wholesalers and distributors of onyx stones

Major wholesalers and distributors of onyx stones

There are thousands of wholesales and suppliers in the whole cities and areas to sell and spread these materials for companies and workhouses to use them in producing accessories. 

Distributors of these stones prefer to charge and sell the appropriate types for a better feedback and next orders. So, the quality is the most important item they have to contain, without this, the stones will not useful at all. Major wholesalers of different valuable stones exist in the whole areas and some special local markets. You can order your appropriate stone at affordable and good prices. 

Where to find onyx stones at cheapest price?

Where to find onyx stones at cheapest price?

Finding the onyx stones and other types of valuable stones in cheap and low prices can not be happen because if you buy the lowest and cheap of these stones, they are surely fake and will destroy after one or two times of usage.

So, there are centers which sell onyx stone in affordable and bulk prices, only for the producers and suppliers who are active in this field. 

What is the best price of onyx for export?

What is the best price of onyx for export?

Onyx contains the best types of stones to export to the different areas and demanded ones which are not included the intended places to produce them. 

Price of exporting is higher than selling them because bulk volumes of these materials send out of the borders and the prices have to estimated in a way that the suppliers and exporters earn a suitable amount of profit. 

Onyx Stone at Best Price in India

Onyx Stone at Best Price in India

India in one of those countries which are active in producing and exporting different types of onyx stones to demanded areas. Asian countries are mostly used these stones to rings, especially, the muslim countries because they believe that these stones will release the positive, mystical, and spiritual feelings while they are praying.

Moreover this country, there are some of other countries which export these stones as bulk volumes:

  • Iran
  • Turkey
  • China
  • Thailand

and … As you see, all of these countries are Asian and finally, the most important items in estimating the best prices is representing the best quality. 

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