Is it Ok to purchasing granite online? How much should be paid for granite slabs for sale wholesale? These are the common questions that customers ask from the sellers and themselves too. It is important to have some information about the global market of our appropriate material when we want to prepare them. In this article, we want to share information about it, so, follow us. 

Purchasing Granite manufactuter price

Identification various kinds of stones from each other

Identification various kinds of stones from each other

Identifying the valuable stones is a hard job and surely requires experience, especially, in case of hundreds of fake products that are selling instead of the originals. Generally, the world of the valuable stones are too wide and over 30 types of these products exist in nature. Mining these stones requires special machines and devices. 

There are several types of valuable stones in the whole world, these types are including in:

  • Artificial
  • Igneous stone
  • Metamorphic
  • Sedimentary

All of the stone types are placed in one of these categories. Now, to identify all of the stones from these categories you have to know the most important features to recognize the types from each other. Knowing these features help you to realize the fake and original materials from each other. 

Identifying the original granite stone is also one of the other important things you have to know because it is a high consumption natural stone in the whole world. There are several main factors to realize the fake and original granite from each other:

  1. Observe the pattern and coloration: the original slabs of granite patterns and color tones are not the same as other parts, likewise, it is a manmade one.
  2. Tapping on the surface: Tapping something metallic such as a ball end of a hammer lightly on the surface can tell you lots of things. The original granite will ring but lower than marble while the manmade ones have a sound like the crystal tone. 
  3. Consider the cost: it is the easiest way to recognize the quality, the original granite slabs are selling in high prices per square while the fake ones are lower.
  4. Testing by water: The manmade granite are often contained epoxy resin and this can not prevent water-absorbing while the original ones absorb the water as well.

With the help of these items, you can easily choose the original granite stone from fake ones. The color of both fake and original are almost the same as each other, but the purity of these colors will clear the quality. So, the most favorite colors of granite stone are including in the below list:

  • White
  • Black
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • Golden
  • Navy

There are other fantastic colors such as green, red, pink, blue, and … These colors can be chosen according to the customers’ interests. Of course, the fantastic colors might be sold at higher prices in the market but their beauty is worthy of their costs. 

Important specifications of Granite slabs

When you want to purchase material, you surely attend all of the features and important properties to make sure about the quality. Granite stone also contains different specifications and properties to realize in a better way. These properties have exclusively belonged to those materials, in other words, you have to know them with these items.

Generally, there are several specifications of granite stone which can be recognizable by these items:

  • Water absorption up to 1.00 max
  • Density up to 2.50 min
  • Flexural strength 8.0 min
  • Compressive strength 60.0 min
  • Shore hardness 101

Of course, the different types of granite stones can be dissimilar in these items, so, you have to know the exact model of your stone for the first time. 

The granite can be prepared in three shapes such as slab, tile, and blocks. Each of these shapes can be used for exclusive usage.


These specifications are exclusively important for companies that are active in producing stone products for the whole area. These companies mine the granite and get them ready for purposes. The most graded types of granite are imported from these countries:

  • Italy
  • France
  • Brazil
  • India
  • Germany
  • Africa
  • United States

Purchasing Granite Flooring Tiles in Bulk

Purchasing Granite Flooring Tiles in Bulk

Purchasing the granite can be done for different usage. Generally, the granite slabs and tiles are used for hundreds of applications in various fields. So, you often choose these ones after recognizing your purpose. 

  • Building facade
  • Countertop
  • Flooring
  • Bathroom and restroom designing
  • Sculptures 
  • Wall covers

and hundreds of other purposes. So, all of these purposes mostly require a special color tone too according to the different prices they have. For example, the pure white granite price is lower than the veining and colored ones because of labors and used materials. Also, the snow white granite price can be the same as pure white too. But the special colors such as black are sold at higher prices than white types.

 Purchasing the bulk volumes of granite stones is often done by the contractors and people who are active in building construction because of lots of related applications in this field. These bulk mostly are trading between the wholesalers and producer companies.

If you want to prepare an original granite slab in bulk volume, visit the wholesalers for the first time. Moreover, online shopping websites contain selling ports for this process.

Newest price changes of Granite on the global market

The prices of granite stones had been recently changed these days and they are increasingly bypassing the time. Generally, the global market is full of fake and original products with different range of prices.

The most important types of granite are including in the below list:

  • Black pearl 
  • Tan brown
  • Baltic brown
  • Kashmir white
  • Giallo ornamental
  • Santa Cecilia
  • Venetian gold

Inside that, by increasing the prices of machines and related devices for mining the slabs is another effective reason in prices changes. If one type increases, the other types might increase too or not, it completely depends on its market conditions. The faux marble slab for sale is one of the highest prices ad most valuable marble types in the list of stones. It is widely using for countertops and interior designs. 

Different websites uploading the list of prices and upgrading them each week or month. If you are working in this field, it is important to know the prices and all fluctuations minute by minute, likewise, you might lose your asset in this business. Unfortunately, the global market is not in a suitable condition and prices are changing by any kind of happening, so, it is hard to keep your business safe.

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