The construction industry today uses a variety of materials to complete a variety of projects. One of the most durable materials is the Traonyx stone, which has a special place in construction and has been used by humans since ancient times. The strength and longevity of the stone make this material used both in building decoration and interior decoration. Follow us to find out more about onyx crystal, onyx stone, onyx stone price, and onyx countertop.

Traonyx stone

Are there different types of Onyx stones?

Are there different types of Onyx stones?Traonyx is one of the calcareous rocks and is a rather metamorphosed sedimentary rock, a mixture of travertine and marble. Traonyx stone is available in different colors such as yellow, red, white and chocolate.

Traonyx stone is a porous cementitious limestone resulting from the performance of spas with chemical and sometimes biochemical origin. Mining and marble trade is known as travertine and marble (aragonite, onyx or Traonyx carbonate). Traonyx stone Both types of ore are varied in color, light green, smoky, light gray, white, dark red and white, and pale lime, and dark brown chocolate brown walnut. These colors can be wavy or non-wavy, simple, embroidered and alternating. Traonyx stone According to petrographic studies of Traonyx stone texture are composed entirely of carbonate minerals and the main minerals of Traonyx stone are calcite, aragonite and iron carbonate. Here are some of the types of Traonyx stones that are:

  • Traonyx Walnut
  • Chocolate Traonyx
  • Yellow Traonyx
  • Traonyx Red
  • Traonyx Forest
  • Traonyx Silver

Before we talk about Traonyx stone directly, we need to tell you about Travertine stone. Travertine is a porous sedimentary rock whose texture is layered and the main mineral in its structure is calcite. Available in a variety of colors, this stone is a good choice for flooring because of its porous texture.

It is used both in exterior and interior design in various shapes and sizes. Marble has also been transformed into a sedimentary rock that is coarse and crystalline and capable of transmitting light. The stone is found in a variety of colors, simple or veined in nature and is used for its unique beauty in interior decoration. This stone has low resistance to water absorption, so it is not used for building facades. The Traonyx rock is a combination of travertine and anix or marble and consists of minerals such as aragonite, calcite and iron carbonate. We will explain in more detail later.

Most sold colors of Onyx stone in the world

Nothing like a brilliant Onyx stone can enhance the look of your interior decoration. Marble has always been popular for interior decorations. If for some reason your marble is scratched or the appearance of the hole is enough to soak the surface of the marble with powdered stone fill the holes then polish it with a soft sandpaper. Simply polish your marble. Enix stone (marble) is a type of limestone found in various colors.

White marble has been used in construction since ancient times. The Egyptians and Greeks used this stone to build their temples. It is resistant to heat, cold and rain and also passes through light. Marble has always been used in sculpture, construction and decoration for its special beauty. Prominent artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci have used marble in many of their works and are also used for treating many ailments because of their very powerful energies.

Onyx stone or marble has a stunning beauty that is used in interior decoration design in most homes designed by designers. Dear dear. In addition to interior decoration, Onyx stone is used in artwork, commercial, office and luxury construction. Perhaps those who are involved in the construction business may be one of their concerns in choosing to buy and build masonry.

Best countries to buy Onyx stones at cheap price

Best countries to buy Onyx stones at cheap priceThere are several countries involved, and it is difficult to choose one. Depending on whether the marble or onyx has a variety of colors and models, its pricing varies by company. For example, the price of white marble is different from the price of white marble honey.

Depending on the texture and type of rock formation and attractiveness, pricing will vary according to users. As for the Traonyx stone, it is a porous stone with vivid motifs and veins that is used in its unique exterior and interior for its unique beauty.

If you take a look at the new designs suggested by the designers and architects for interior decoration, you will notice their desire to have nature in the building. Nature-inspired patterns and themes have contrasting colors and irregular natural patterns, and their use in a variety of buildings greatly reduces the coolness and uniformity of modern styles.

The Traonyx stone is one of the stones that brings home a sense of nature due to its different patterns and beautiful colors. Parts of this rock that have streaks of light do not pass through the light, but light can pass through other parts of it. This feature of the stone has led to the lighting when used in interior design to give the space a different look by passing the stone.

Demand of Onyx stones on the global market

The law of demand states that if other factors are equal, the higher the price of a commodity, the fewer people will be in demand. The amount of goods that buyers buy at a higher price is less, because the higher the price of an item, the higher the opportunity cost to buy it.

As a result, people are naturally reluctant to buy the product. This is true for any product. The most important parameter of rock quality is its physical and chemical analysis. And the closer the travertine stone analyzer is to the desired level, the higher the quality and the higher the price.

The quality of the stone is also very important in determining its price. Onyx stones do not have much color variation and the lighter and whitish travertine stones are lighter and whitish and the waves are more regular and more popular among the colored travertines and darker travertine stones and waves. Be orderly, it has a higher price. Onyx stones also have pores, but the lower the porosity, the higher the density of the rock and the better the readability of the stone and the higher the price.

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